Know me better.
Hello bloggers!
I used to blog on another site.
I had fun with my first experience on blogging. I'll definitely have more fun in this one.
Yes, I'll still update my other blog. And I will also use this.
Okay, let me tell you some things about me.
My name is Nikka. But online, I prefer to be called Nik or Atta. Some of you are probably wondering where I got "Atta." Here's a short story (more like a short sentence) about it.
When I was a baby, someone was teaching me how to say Nikka, and I kept saying Atta. That's how I got it.
I'm fourteen years old, and I'm turning fifteen on October 15. I blog for fun not for attention. I do sew and crafts. I love reading books. I write stories, I'll put them on wattpad as soon as I finish them. :)
That's a short bio for you.
See you on my next post! :D