To Dad, with love
Nikka Manimbao
- 9:00 PM
Happy Fathers' Day to all dads out there!
Hi Dad!
Happy Father's Day!
I'd like to say thank you for working hard for our family. It's hard to be countries away from someone or some people you love. Thank you for the precious things. Thanks for the love and care. Thanks for guiding us. Thanks for correcting and supporting me when I try new things. Sorry for the mistakes I've made. Sorry for being obsessed with the computer, it's a habit I can't break. Haha! I'll do better this school year. Thank you for being my Dad. Even though you're not always physically around us, you are always with us by thoughts and chat messages.
I noticed that the two of us don't have too many pictures together, only family pictures. If I ever spot one, it happens to be blurry or not that good. As I look at these photos, I remember riding the bike with you when we go out every morning when I was three or four years old. I remember eating eggs before bedtime when I was four. I remember riding our old red car to school. I remember going to Kuya Jojo's house while you guide me as I skate. I remember you teaching me how to play volleyball when I was at 5th grade. (And I am still not good at playing volleyball. Hahaha!) There's a lot more I remember, but this blog post would end up as a novel instead of a normal post.
You're probably exhausted from work as you read this. By the way, I planned on buying you a "Dad" pillow. But I remembered that we might be the ones who'll use it, It wouldn't be a Fathers' Day gift. Hehe. I just want to say Thank you, I love you and I miss you. See you on skype! :)